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Well-disbursed portfolio based in N. America and Carribbean with an expansion angle into European market in the medium-term




Cybin is a leading Life Sciences Company (Exited in Nov'21)


With 1 in 4 people affected by mental or neurological disorders, Cybin’s aim is to become the first life sciences company to bring a psilocybin drug to market targeting Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). Cybin is a leading Life Sciences Company focused on psychedelic drug development, unique delivery mechanisms, improved novel compounds and protocols that target psychiatric and neurological conditions. The company is traded on NEO Stock Exchange in Canada, while it is also listed on the NYSE American stock exchange.


Pharma-grade high quality cannabinoid extraction company with a strategic planning to evolve into a regional hub within cannabis space. 


Thai Leaf is one of the few licensed cannabis operators eligible to extract cannabinoids in Thailand. Per to the guidelines of FDA Thailand, the regulatory/licensing agency responsible from the cannabis industry, there will be no license issuances for the next 5-years.  Thai Leaf has started the construction of the extraction facility with an annual capacity of 50 tons of CBD oil.




Pre-rolled cannabis cigarettes brand with the proposition of offering premium cannabis at competitive prices in Canada and US. 


Established in May 2021, Harts plans to tap into both THC-cigarettes market in recreationally legal markets and CBD-cigarettes market within regulated markets as a tobacco alternative.


Californian vertically-integrated cannabis manufacturing and distribution platform with a proposition to go public on NASDAQ within the medium term. 


Growpacker is a fully-licensed cannabis co-packing and bottling company that operates to FDA standards in California, now the world’s fifth largest economy and America’s largest consumer market. Taking a bifurcated approach on the industry, Growpacker has the ability to manufacture products for both the regulated cannabis market (dispensaries) as well as the open market for products that are

CBD only (grocery, convenience store, etc). 

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